Saturday, December 11, 2010

Baby Shay Awaits Christmas

Baby Shay awaits Christmas with her ornament of the famous painting entitled, "The Good Shepherd," sitting on her pale green and pink poinsettia fabric.  Baby Shay has enjoyed the first candle lighting ceremony of Advent.  Tomorrow will be candle number two.  For young children, you can make an advent wreath out of a large circle of cardboard, about the size of a dinner plate, glue upright 4 empty toilet paper rolls wrapped in purple and 1 wrapped in white paper to represent (flameless) candles.  Fill the rolls with yellow tissue paper to simulate a flame.  Your church can guide you in an Advent ceremony or find one on the Internet for each Sunday of Advent.  Your children will enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter and family are using the Advent book I used when they were small... Had trouble getting the purple candles!!
